And it wasn't for lack of wanting. I desperately wanted to play guitar and in my mind I was doing all the "right" things. The problem was I wasn't focused nor was I consistent.
My guitar playing occurred in spurts so I was taking one step forward and two steps back. I wasn't building on anything, so my progress kept disappearing.
I desperately wanted to play guitar, and no matter how much time I put in over the years...I had NOTHING to show for it.
I was inconsistent, unfocused and overwhelmed. But more importantly I felt ashamed. I mean, here I was working at a guitar shop, with all the books and courses I could get my hands on and still couldn't play...I started wondering...what was WRONG with me?
Frustrated with my progress I set out on a quest to figure out what was the SIMPLEST way to learn guitar. I discovered two things:
1️⃣ There was NOTHING wrong with me
This was a revelation for me. I never was the top of my class and that didn't mean I couldn't play the guitar. I just needed to change my approach...
2️⃣Because most guitar methods have it backwards
One thing I discovered is that most guitar methods are confusing, overwhelming and can even add months, if not years to your guitar journey!
Why? Most beginner programs focus on boring and mind numbing exercises that don't really materialize into anything... until months down the road.
They put the part that should be at the BEGINNING (playing guitar) at the very END!
Fast forward a few years and I've created the...